martes, octubre 23, 2007

7 Reasons Every Programmer Should Love Multi-Core

1. The technology is not new it's old. It's just really cheap SMP and the SMP domain (shared memory model) is a well understood domain. So there are tons of resources (books, white papers, essays, blogs, etc) available to get you up to speed.
2. Shared memory concurrency is challenging. It's guaranteed to grow your brain.
3. Most programming languages [already] have language and/or API level support (threads) for multi-core, so you can get started right now.
4. There are a plethora of computing domains that benefit from increased parallelism. The following are just a few off the top of my head: GUI applications, client/server, p2p, games, search, simulations, AI. In other words, there won't be a shortage of interesting work to do in this space.
5. Most programmers [and their managers] don't have a clue about concurrency so you can easily impress them with your skills/CNM (Concurrency Ninja Moves).
6. The majority of today's programs aren't written with multi-core in mind so mastering concurrency programming means you won't be out of a job any time soon. Somebody has to write the multi-core version of all those apps.
7. Since most programmers are clueless about concurrency, mastering it means you'll be smarter that millions of people. Being smarter than your [so called] peers is really satisfying.

read+: DesignDecisions

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