viernes, agosto 04, 2006

Ubuntu Rocks!

Ubuntu Rocks!: "I recently installed Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Release) on my home machine. This is the best out of box experience that I have had with any OS. Everything just works!!. I quickly got rid of a Red Hat installation that I have at work. No more RedHats for me .
The update center is a breeze to work with. Apart from the default package manager, Ubuntu comes bundled with Synaptic Package Manager to manage the packages installed on the system - it blows every other package management away. Installing new software is extremely easy (easier than Mac!). More on Synaptic Package Manager in a subsequent blog. Handling media was easy. I plugged in my iPod and boom it recoganized it - updating music was easy. Watching video needed no configuration either.
The only downside was, I have not been able to devote time to the new MacBook that my wife gifted me recently as I am glued to my Ubuntu box.
If you are in the market for a new OS - try it!!

source: SunBloggers

Si los de Sun lo dicen .. ellos saben mucho de Sistemas Operativos (OS)

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